Our Message to You

We can only imagine the questions and choices you are facing regarding your pregnancy and your future. We hope that through all of the noise and confusion, you can find peace in the path that is right for you and for your child. We know that adoption would be an incredible sacrifice on your part and possibly one of the hardest things you have ever done. It would also be the miracle that we have been waiting for. Without the blessing of someone else’s sacrifice, such as the one you are considering, we would not be able to have the family that we have hoped for and a brother or sister for Ellie. We feel such overwhelming love for you, for your strength, and for your desire to place your baby with a loving adoptive family. We know without a doubt that you will be blessed beyond measure should you decide to choose adoption for your child.

Finding that one right couple for your child must be difficult. As you get to know us, we hope you’ll see the happiness in our marriage, and the love and dedication we have for our family, and for Ellie's birthmother and her family. We are both very much family people. Ken is from a family of five—with a younger brother and sister—and Angela comes from a family of seven—with two brothers and two sisters. Angela always gravitates toward kids and it seems like Ken was just born to be a dad. We have been amazed at how seamlessly our family expanded when Ellie arrived last year. Not only was she undoubtedly meant for our family, we were also meant to have her birthmother and her family in our lives. We have grown to love and appreciate them so much as we have spent time with them this last year. We know that Ellie will grow to love her big extended family.

We look forward to possibly getting to know you. We have come to love adoption, knowing that our children will have the love of two sets of parents (us and his or her birth parents). We are both very open people and have welcomed having a very open adoption with Ellie's birthmother. We welcome having whatever relationship you feel comfortable with, whether it be a very open or closed adoption. Whatever kind of adoption you choose, we are dedicated to teaching our child about his "other" mom and your love for him or her. Just know that we are dedicated to being the best parents we possibly can and providing a home filled with unconditional love, lots of hugs and kisses, laughter and learning.

If you want to get to know us better, if you have any questions, or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
With all our love-

Ken and Angela